Description :
BlackBerry7 replica theme for devices running OS5 and OS6 from HedoneDesign.
Research in Motion has always been, indeed, a company “on the move.” There was barely the flicker of a candle between OS6.0 and the recently announced (and exponentially more powerful) OS7. Because we, as developers, have RIM-Sanctioned Snipers posted at our locations, we cannot reveal anything about OS7 even IF we DID know (which we DON’T). An anonymous artist speaking on condition of anonymity (and a minor condition of cookies), dropped this theme on our doorstep where we took him in, made him one of the order and raised him to be the anonymous-son he is today. Not a complete makeover, but just enough in just the right places.
MEDIA FOLDER (BlackBerry6 devices): If you don't have your "media" tag populated, rename your media folder to "net_rim_bb_file_explorer.Media" (without quotes and case sensitive) and hide it. that way your media tab will be populated.
***Minimum OS is 5.0***
***Be careful when choosing, you choose one you would like to get! Subsequent claims can not be taken into account! Also check screenshots first and then select the theme you want! Screenshots can be found in Theme Store.***
***You MUST have a data plan/internet access on your BlackBerry in order to install themes. 5.0 OS version themes will NOT work on any device running an older operating system! Also 6.0 version themes will NOT work on device running an older operating system!***
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