Another Source

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

APIKASI - Signal Booster

Gw sebelumnya pake provider XL dan kayanya semua yg pake XL sadar kalo XL kadang suka SOS   dan kalo udah SOS kadang ga mau naik2 sinyalnya, nah jadinya tiap kali musti reboot biar mau refresh sinyalnya, kesel kan lama2? nah, gw pake app ini, fungsinya bisa untuk langsung refreshing sinyal tanpa harus reboot atau cabut batre, dan gw mau share ke kalian supaya bisa pake app gratis yg sangat berguna kalo mnrt gw, silahkan mencoba ya!

If you lose your signal, this app gets it back in one-touch! If your radio reception is bad, get it boosted with SignalBooster!

This app saves you time and productivity! It saves you from shutting down and re-starting your BlackBerry smartphone in the middle of phone calls, emailing, games, or working.

How it works: by clicking the "Boost Signal!" button your voice, data and Internet connections are being reset. The best possible reception is chosen for the new signal and then all your connections come up again automatically. You will see a summary dialog of what just happened and how much performance you gained.

Don't lose your work by re-starting your phone, just open the SignalBooster to keep your phone on and re-fresh your signal with one touch! It acts quickly and gives you instant feedback on its success!

No more fiddling with the utilities or shutting down to get your signal back or find a better connection & reception. Save time and boost your productivity!


- Optimizes BlackBerry® radio usage.
- No device reset required. Therefore a lot faster than everything else!
- No new hardware: Software only solution. No additional hardware needed!
- Does not influence any other applications.
- Instant feedback on radio reception gain.

Support : 4.6, 4.7 Non-Touch, 4.7 Touch Screen, 5.0 Non-Touch, 5.0 Touch Screen, 6.0 Non-Touch, 6.0 Touch Screen

Download : Klik disini

Untuk install, tinggal install via media card, atau inject pake BBSAK, atau lwt DM, sblmnya di extract dulu ya! :)
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